
About JoinEight

JoinEight is an artificial intelligence-driven online sourcing intelligence platform. We help companies build a recruitment funnel through a data-centric approach and algorithm to cut through the complexity of sourcing for companies. We launched the first artificial intelligence platform that solves funnel building challenges and redefines traditional recruitment by optimizing the recruitment funnel system, leveraging sourcing intelligence to increase productivity by 85%. We have designed expert systems and software programs to solve problems, improve deliverability, and enhance business efficiency.

Why Partner with JoinEight?

JoinEight is the first recruiting funnel building platform. We maximize cloud computing, sourcing intelligence, and artificial intelligence to allocate data and create a sourcing and recruitment funnel for companies. JoinEight’s algorithm captures the ideal candidate from a web of sources. We offer different solutions through unsupervised artificial learning. We are looking for partners in marketing, artificial intelligence, human resources, and expert systems. We have a series of tools and services to grow your business and enhance opportunities in your industry. Our services for our Partner Network include:

  • Get integrated on our platform
  • Revenue sharing opportunity
  • Increase your business flexibility
  • Gain access to our cloud environment
Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

Access the job applicants database through algorithm, analytical, and tracking system.

Job Posting Sites

Our platform employs marketing methodology and offers interactive and networking opportunities between job candidates and recruiters.

HRIS Systems

We need HRIS expert systems to provide an actionable, accessible database that enhances HR operation through sourcing intelligence.

Technology Partners (Independent Software Vendors)

Our technology partners will utilize modern and imaginative technologies, expert engineering, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.

JoinEight partners with

Join the JoinEight Partner Network

JoinEight is the first web search sourcing platform, with analytical diversification and referral options to capture the best candidate. We leverage artificial intelligence with our partners, solve sourcing problems for companies, and drive business outcomes. As our partner, we do the heavy lifting while you grow your business.

Request to join the JoinEight Partner Network

Contact: partner@joineight.ai
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